I’m 22 y.o. and I’m from IT/Tuscany/Lucca. I’m a student and a free time developer. I love technology in all its forms. I love to learn everything about IT. I take all problems as a challenge to be overcome and i never give up until they’re solved. I am a careful organizer, but I am also a good improviser. My flaw is that being a perfectionist I’m a bit slow, but I’m working on improving myself. I’ve been programming since I was 14 y.o. I studied both scholastically/academically and self-taught C#, VB.NET, Python, C/C++, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL. Some of my other passions are finance, music and playing piano/violin, cinema, board games and RPG and many others. I’m a multipotentialite. I am an INTP-T.
Jun 2018 - Jul 2018, Italy/Tuscany/Lucca
Wolters Kluwer helps finance, legal, tax and healthcare professionals be more efficient and effective. We provide information, software and services that deliver data, intelligent tools and the support of subject matter experts. We understand the complexity of the challenges that the CFO faces and for this we dedicate our knowledge in developing intuitive business solutions through CCH Tagetik’s performance management software. With over 180 years of experience in the target market, Wolters Kluwer is raising the bar for software, knowledge, tools and training.
Jul 2018 - Jul 2018
Jun 2018 - Jun 2018
Bachelor's Degree in Computer ScienceCourses Taken
Extracurricular Activities
I.T.E. Francesco Carrara2015-2020
High School (5 Years) - Business InformaticsItalian GPA: 97 out of 100Technical Courses Taken (In addition to the Classic Subjects as Mathematics, English, etc.)